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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Receiving the Holy Spirit – 2 – Special Efforts – On Asking – Luke 11:13 (Part 2)

Is doing something special required for receiving the Holy Spirit?

1. Is the Holy Spirit received on asking the Lord for it? – (Luke 11:13)

(The Related Third Thing)

(3) Third Thing, understand this giving and receiving by an example; when a patient goes to a doctor and asks for healing, then is the ‘healing’ some object on the table of the doctor or a toffee in his pocket that he can pick up and hand over to the patient and say, “here, take; given you the healing you asked?” Surely the doctor wants to give healing to the patient who has come to him for help,he is willing to do it, but there is a method, a process by which the patient receives the healing form the doctor, and without following it, it is not possible for the doctor to give or for the patient to receive the healingin this process the doctor asks the patients to undergo some tests, prescribes appropriate medicines, tells of certain things to abstain from, the patient has to take the medicines and abstain from some things for a prescribed period of timei.e. he has to diligently follow the instructions given for the process only then does he receive the healing. Similarly, the Lord too wants to give and certainly gives the Holy Spirit to His disciples for their help, because that is the ministry for mankind ordained by the Lord for the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-17, 26; 16:7-15). Now take note again, as in Luke 11 में, similarly here in John 14 and 16 as well this is said only for the disciples.

In other words, receiving the Holy Spirit is only possible for those who really are the disciples of the Lord, not through or because of their having been being born in a particular family or having fulfilled and followed certain rituals and practices ordained by man in the name of God, but through an honest heartfelt repentance from their sins, having asked the Lord’s forgiveness for their sins, having completely submitted their lives to the Lord, and made the commitment to live in obedience to His Word, have made their decision to follow Him, to be His disciples.

This is also a fact that everyone who claims to be a disciple is not actually a disciple. Many associate with the Lord for their physical needs (John 6:26-27); and many have made the Christian Ministry a means of temporal earnings, to gather worldly wealth in the name of the Lord (Romans 16:18; 1 Timothy 6:5; 2 Timothy 3:4; Titus 1:11; 2 Peter 2:3, 13; Jude 1:12, 16). Many join themselves to the Lord but do not actually believe in the Lord (John 6:36, 64; 8:30-31); and many are not willing to accept and obey every teaching of the Lord (John 6:66). Many stay in the gatherings of Christian Believers as people of the Lord, but actually are Satan’s people (2 Corinthians 11:13-15), and are the cause of divisions, strife and troubles in the Assemblies (Acts 20:29-31; 1 John 2:18-19; 2 Timothy 3:5, 8; 4:14; 3 John 1:9-11). The Lord has very clearly said who actually is His disciple (John 8:31-32; 14:21, 23), and from these verses it is clear that the true disciple or Believer is one who lives in obedience to the Word of God, does according to the will of the Lord, and is committed to live a life fully surrendered to the Lord; and not one who although takes the name of the Lord but lives and does according to his own desires.

The Lord knows the actual state of every person (John 2:25; 2 Timothy 2:19). Now naturally the question arises that will the Lord give the Holy Spirit to anyone like the above mentioned people, who put up a pretense of being the people of God but actually are not, will He give the Holy Spirit so casually? Those who have no place for the Word of God or of His obedience in their lives, how can they receive the Holy Spirit? Will these people also not have to become an actually Born Again, saved, obedient, and committed disciple of the Lord to receive the Holy Spirit? And the process for this to happen is only one, that which has been given above to be saved or be Born Again. What it means is that the Lord surely does give the Holy Spirit to His Believers, but only to those who have actually been saved, who have really been Born Again, those who in realty are the true disciples of the Lord – only as per His assessment; not otherwise.
- To Be Continued
Next: The Related Fourth Thing and Conclusion

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