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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Receiving the Holy Spirit – Part 4 – The filling of the Holy Spirit (2) - Understanding (1)

What is the filling of the Holy Spirit? – Part 2 

Understanding (1)

Even by common sense this is nothing mysterious, nor something that requires some extra-special understanding. As we see in Acts 2:4, along with the other disciples, Peter also received the Holy Spirit, and then in Acts 4:8 it says that he was filled with the Holy Spirit and confronted the officials opposing the Christian Believers effectively and successfully and preached the Lord to them. For Peter and John, as per their abilities, education, and status this was something very extra-ordinary and beyond their own capabilities, since they were uneducated and untrained men (Acts 4:13), and they were confronting scholars of the Scriptures and high ranking officials; but still, without any hesitation or committing any mistakes the two of them so boldly stood up to those scholars and high officials, that they could not say anything against what the two of them said (Acts 4:14) and they realized that this was possible because those two had been with the Lord Jesus.

Again it is said in Acts 13:52 that the disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spiritthis kept on happening repeatedly, i.e. they continued working with His power; and not that the Holy Spirit would leave them and go out every few daysthis could not be since the Lord had promised that the Holy Spirit would 'abide with them forever' (John 14:16); and we have already seen above that the Holy Spirit cannot be ‘topped up’ to restore Him back to a certain level, and then they had to receive Him all over again.

It is written for Paul that in Acts 9:17 he was filled with, or, received the Holy Spirit, and then again in Acts 13:9 when he had to confront the demonic power, it is written that he did so being filled with the Holy Spirit. The Word gives no indication that these people had received the Holy Spirit all over again, or of some different kind to suit the need of the hour, or in some extra quantity; nor that He had left them but then was given again to them in some excess than before; and then they ‘were filled’ and could do that work. It was the same Holy Spirit, in quantity and quality that they had received before; what was different was that as per the need of the hour, in submission and obedience to the Lord, they made an effective use of the power of the Holy Spirit available to them, and accomplished the job at hand.

Actually speaking, there is nothing unusual in the phrase “being filled with the Holy Spirit” for doing something special, neither is it something unique that is possible for only a select few people. But many preachers keep on presenting it as something unique and extra-ordinary, just to maintain a sense of supremacy, and to project themselves as unique and extra-ordinary, they keep on teaching this wrong doctrine, one that is not in any manner consistent with the facts of the Bible. The expression, being filled with the Holy Spirit and doing, is similar to the day-to-day common use of similar expressions in routine language.

Take note of some expressions used or experienced practically every day by all of us: whenever you either say, or read, or hear that a person, "being filled with love…", or that "he was filled with joy and…", or that "being filled with indignation, he…" etc., then how do you understand it? Do you understand it to mean that this is indicating that the person, received some kind of an unusual or different kind of love, or joy, or anger, etc. one that is not usually present in all people, and then did the thing he did? Or without any strain on your mind you readily understand that, the person used that which was already present within him, with a certain unusual intensity and did something extra-ordinary; or in a unique circumstance made a special application and use of that feeling to do what he did?

Just the same applies to using this phrase of being filled with the Holy Spirit to accomplish something unusual or extra-ordinary. It just conveys using the power of the Holy Spirit already present within every true Christian Believer, to accomplish something unusual or extra-ordinary, something over and above the general capabilities and capacity of the person, as we have seen the examples of Peter, John, and Paul above.

- To Be Continued

 Next: What is the filling of the Holy Spirit? Part 3 – Understanding (2)

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